

  • Takhliq Amir
  • Joella Ho
  • Sabrina Lin
  • Feroze Noordin



Four medbulletins written by the four authors


Calvet G, Aguiar R, Melo A, Sampaio S, de Filippis I, Fabri A et al. Detection and sequencing of Zika virus from amniotic fluid of fetuses with microcephaly in Brazil: a case study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2016.

Schnirring L. Microcephaly cases rise; Zika detected in amniotic fluid [Internet]. CIDRAP. 2016 [cited 25 February 2016]. Available from: cephaly-cases-rise-zika-detected-amniotic-fluid

Schuler-Faccini L, Ribeiro E, Feitosa I, Horovitz D, Cavalcanti D, Pessoa A et al. Possible Associa- tion Between Zika Virus Infection and Microcephaly — Brazil, 2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016;65(3):59-62.

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Bertram L, Lill C, Tanzi R. The Genetics of Alzheimer Disease: Back to the Future. Neuron [Internet]. 2010 [cited 12 February 2016];68(2):270-281. Available from:

De-Paula V, Radanovic M, Diniz B, Forlenza O. Alzheimer’s Disease. Protein Aggregation and Fibrillogenesis in Cerebral and Systemic Amyloid Disease [Internet]. 2012 [cited 12 February 2016];:329-352. Available from: ter/10.1007%2F978-94-007-5416-4_14

Muratore C, Rice H, Srikanth P, Callahan D, Shin T, Benjamin L et al. The familial Alzheimer’s disease APPV717I mutation alters APP processing and Tau expression in iPSC-derived neurons. Human Molecular Genetics [Internet]. 2014 [cited 12 February 2016];23(13):3523-3536. Available from:

Zhao J, O’Connor T, Vassar R. The contribution of activated astrocytes to Aβ production: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis. J Neuroinflammation [Internet]. 2011 [cited 12 February 2016];8(1):150. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.

Liao M, Muratore C, Gierahn T, et al. Single-Cell Detection of Secreted A and sAPP from Human IPSC-Derived Neurons and Astrocytes. J Neurosci [Internet]. 2016 [cited 12 February 2016];36(5):1730-1746. Available from: http://www.jneurosci. org/content/36/5/1730.long

Love J, Ronan J. A microengraving method for rapid selection of single cells producing antigen-specific antibodies. Nat Biotech- nol [Internet]. 2006 [cited 12 February 2016];24(6):703-707. Available from: full/nbt1210.html

Alzheimer’s Disease Banner [Image on the internet]. 2015 [cited 2016 February 24]. Available from: http://www.menshealth. com/sites/’s.jpg

Lee J-M, Wheeler VC, Chao MJ, Vonsattel JPG, Pinto RM, Lucente D, et al. Identification of Genetic Factors that Modify Clinical Onset of Huntington’s Disease. Cell [Internet]. 2015 Jul [cited 2015 Jul 31];162(3):516–26. Available from: S0092867415008405

Wild EJ, Boggio R, Langbehn D, Robertson N, Haider S, Miller JRC, et al. Quantification of mutant huntingtin protein in cerebrospinal fluid from Huntington’s disease patients. J Clin Invest [Internet]. The American Society for Clinical Investigation; 2015;125(5):1979–86. Available from: http://www.jci. org/articles/view/80743

Tan Z, Dai W, van Erp TGM, Overman J, Demuro A, Digman MA, et al. Huntington’s diseasecerebro- spinal fluid seeds aggregation of mutant huntingtin. Mol Psychiatry [Internet]. Macmillan Publishers Limited; 2015 Jun 23; Available from:

Huntington’s Disease Banner [Image on the internet]. 2015 [cited 2015 October 21]. Available from: tingtons-disease/huntingtondisease-02.jpg?itok=iZGjwK4B

Skorka-Brown J, Andrade J, Whalley B, May J. Playing Tetris decreases drug and other cravings in real world settings. Addictive Behaviors 2015; 85 (10): 165–70.

Franken IHA, Zijlstra C, Booij J, Brink WVD. Imaging the Addicted Brain: Reward, Craving, and Cogni- tive Processes. Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction 2010; 43(12): 185–200.

Holmes E, James L, Coode-Bate T, Deeprose C Can Playing the Computer Game “Tetris” Reduce the Build-Up of Flashbacks for Trauma? A Proposal from Cognitive Science. Social Work in Mental Health and Substance Abuse 2011; 4(1): 243–57.

Tetris Style Blocks Falling. 2015 [cited 2015 Oct 21]. Available from: spoonflower/public/design_thumbnails/0011/1325/rrrrTetrisFabricNew-58_shop_preview.png



How to Cite

Amir T, Ho J, Lin S, Noordin F. Medbulletin. M [Internet]. 2016 Apr. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];1(29). Available from:


