Cancer Stem Cells: Targeting the Core of the Cancer


  • Krushangi Patel McMaster University



One of the major challenges faced after conventional treatment of cancer is a relapse of the cancer. Emerging research has led to the identification of cancer stem cells (CSCs) which evade conventional treatment and fuel the growth and metastasis of the tumour. CSCs comprise a relatively small population of the tumour but have considerable impact in the relapse of many cancers. Research in the past decade has been instrumental in the development of drugs that eliminate CSCs. This review attempts to provide an understanding of the formation and characteristics of CSCs as well as highlight three drug therapies that have shown potential for eradicating CSCs. Researchers believe that elimination of CSCs can allow for longer lasting or even permanent remission of cancer.


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How to Cite

Patel K. Cancer Stem Cells: Targeting the Core of the Cancer. M [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];1(27). Available from:



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