Principle-Centred Therapy (PCT): The Future for Therapeutic Interventions?
Vulnerable populations are victims of constant physical and verbal abuse by family members and the society at-large. These women are left to struggle with their mental well-being in isolation. Many are unable to receive the appropriate aid they need largely due to the lack of accessible services and the strong sense of negative stigma attributed to those seeking help. The community garden venture, offers vulnerable populations an opportunity to seek mental health aid in a communal space. Here, along with gardening and acquiring agriculture tools and techniques, they will be able to engage in Principle-Centred Therapy - focused on rescuing individuals from negative thoughts to building people up from a state of dependence, to independence, to a state of interdependence. The agricultural output will be sold in markets, contributing to strengthening community resilience through the integration of isolated members such as these vulnerable populations, and the overall economic vitality.