Welcome to the Access Conference 2018 Proposal Submission Portal!
Access is Seeking Peer Reviewers!
Access 2018 is seeking peer reviewers to help select presentations for the conference. Peer reviewers will be responsible for reading Access Conference session proposals and reviewing them for selection.
Peer reviewers will be selected by the Program Committee and will ideally include a variety of individuals across disciplines including Access old-timers and newbies alike. You do not need to be attending the conference to volunteer as a peer reviewer.
The peer review process is double-blind for the presentations only. Those who have submitted Access Conference session proposals are welcome and encouraged to become peer reviewers as well. You won’t receive your own proposal to review. Please note that the peer reviewing activity will take place between June 25 – July 13.
To be considered as a peer reviewer, please attach your abridged CV (max. 5 pages) and provide the following information in the body of an email:
- Name
- Position and affiliation
- A few sentences that explain why you want to be a peer reviewer for Access 2018
Please submit this information to accesslibcon@gmail.com by Friday, June 21, 2018.