Varsity Student-Athletes Perspectives on Accessing Social Support Resources at McMaster University
The focus of this research is on the duality of the student-athlete lifestyle among varsity student-athletes at McMaster University regarding the social support services being offered on campus. Our study sought to examine the awareness, knowledge, and perceptions of the student-athlete population regarding social support resources that are offered to them on campus. We collected a sample size of 75 McMaster varsity student-athletes. Using an anonymous online survey, we collected opinions and perceptions from 75 self-identified varsity athletes at McMaster University. Our findings indicated that McMaster University varsity student-athletes do not hold a negative perception of accessing social support services on campus. However, the findings suggest a lack of awareness among the study population regarding the social support services available for student-athletes. Our research suggests there is a need for greater visibility of available services as well as promotion of help-seeking behaviours as student-athletes were found to be more willing to use services when recommended by athletic faculty members and staff. We hope that the collected data will help to provide feedback about the perceptions of social services on campus within the McMaster University athletic community.