A Case for Reversing Language Shift on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua


  • Barbara Jean Tasker-Mueller Western Washington University




The Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, the Creole people of Nicaragua, reversing language shift, indigenous language rights.


I examine the work being done by the Linguistic Research and Revitalization Institute (IPILC) at the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua (URACCAN) and the dilemmas faced in claiming and implementing the linguistic rights that were granted under the 1987 Law of Autonomy for the Caribbean Coast Regions. The problems I discuss in this case are not unique to Nicaragua’s Creoles, nor to Black diaspora cultures, they are merely part of larger issues which affect all minoritized groups who seek to assert the legitimacy of their languages and cultures within hegemonic discourses around cultural difference.

Author Biography

Barbara Jean Tasker-Mueller, Western Washington University

I retired from the health care field in 2007 and returned to school. Recently (this year) received Master's degree in Linguistic Anthropology.


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