Mis/representation & Silence: Gendered Sex Work Discourse in the London Free Press





Canadian media, discourse analysis, sex work, heteronormativity, gendered representation, London Ontario


In December 2014, despite the Supreme Court of Canada finding Canada's prostitution laws unconstitutional, the Conservative government passed a bill criminalizing the buying of sex and the advertisement of sex for sale. Sex work has a long history as a hot-button topic, and it continues to remain newsworthy throughout the country. This public discussion in some contexts has privileged certain lobbyists and so-called advocates, disregarding or distorting the voices of sex workers themselves. This territory is starkly heteronormative, reinforcing gendered stereotypes and naturalizing certain types of heterosexual behaviour while ignoring a spectrum of other realities. By analysizing depictions of sex work published for 2013 in the London Free Press, a politically centre-right newspaper printed in a midsized Canadian city, this paper provides analysis of articles about sex work in the local-regional context of London, Ontario (Canada). Exposing a Foucauldian rarefaction of discourse, the analysis works to unveil ideological underpinnings, fleshing out a distorted gendered discourse. 

Author Biography

Nathan Dawthorne, Western University

I received my BA from Western University in 2013 (with Honors Specialization in Anthropology). After a summer of productive narrative interviews with male sex workers in London, Ontario, Canada, I fast-tracked out of the MA program and am currently pursuing my PhD (in Sociocultural Anthropology) at my alma mater. Under the guidance of the distinguished Dr. Regna Darnell, I am continuing my research attempting to detail a contextualized account of male sex work locally as well as gain insight into the cultural discourses they draw upon as they reflect on and construct stories from situated life experiences.


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