Hard and Soft Power and the Cultural Heritage Industry: an Australian example.
Indigenous heritage values, power, colonialism, heritage managementAbstract
This paper will address the question: Does development-based archaeological work in the Pilbara lead to management outcomes that adequately protect Indigenous heritage values? This question will be addressed from three perspectives; firstly from that of the developers, secondly from the heritage community and thirdly from the position of Indigenous stakeholders. The overall scope of this argument will be based on recent archaeological consultancy work in the Pilbara, Western Australia.
The key component of this discussion is the application of Nye’s neo-realist concept of power relationships, as normally applied to nation states, to the heritage industry in Australia, drawing upon heritage work in the Pilbara as an example. The application of this paradigm to the heritage industry will also be discussed in regards to positivist and negativist approaches to power.
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