From common object to memory-object: the indiscernibility of Rapa Nui's historical archaeological heritage
historical archaeology, interpretation, art, time, heritageAbstract
In this article I propose the indiscernible objects experiment of Arthur Danto as analogy to discuss on the nature of the industrial archaeological remains. The interdisciplinary research conducted at the Fundo Vaitea, in Rapa Nui (Eastern Island), is presented as an excellent example for the kind of analysis that I propose here. Conceptually considering archaeological remains of this site as material culture theoretically similar to works of art, I discussed issues concerning the distinction, interpretation and transformation of common objects in archaeological vestiges, proposing to understand these as memory-objects. From this aesthetic dimension I propose another standpoint of the problem associated with the study and heritage policies of the recent past materiality, taking as well into account social practices and the particularities of archaeological time involved in this process.
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