Night Float strives to capture the physician experience through art that depicts the unique perspectives of McMaster medical students, residents and staff.
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Night Float
Thank you for reading our second issue. Contained within you will find the talents of the
MacMed community in the form of their artistic expression. The students have told their story
in a variety of creative ways, and we have been amazed by their outputs.
Night Float is McMaster Medicine’s arts and creative writing publication. This title was chosen
by our predecessors because it represents an aspect of medicine that is grueling yet rewarding,
and brings forth a change in perspective, has an air of mystery, and fuels the imagination. Night
Float serves to celebrate and showcase the creativity of our community, which can be easily
forgotten when we are consumed by clinical or academic medicine. Medicine is, after all, an art.
We hope that you enjoy the pieces our classmates have worked so hard on. Perhaps they will
inspire you, push you to refect, or simply fill you with a feeling of awe and satisfaction. Whichever it be, we hope that this will help to connect you to the MacMed community.
Please enjoy this second issue of Night Float.
Published: 2021-04-21