À propos de cette revue

Focus and Scope

Perceptia is dedicated to publishing superior philosophy articles written by undergraduates. It accepts papers in all areas of philosophy. The purpose of Perceptia is to provide a forum for undergraduate philosophical thought, as well as the opportunity for undergraduates to have their work published

Peer Review Process

Review process:

Once the deadline for submissions has passed, the editor selects those submissions that demonstrate substantial merit. These papers are each given to two reviewers, who may be faculty members or graduate students in the Department of Philosophy at McMaster University. In some cases, a reviewer may be an upper-level undergraduate student who is majoring in philosophy or in a subject relevant to the paper in question. The author’s name is not given to the reviewers.

Upon completion of the review process, the editor will contact the authors of those submissions accepted for publication. The editor will provide these authors with any comments written by the reviewers, as well as the editor’s own comments. The authors of accepted submissions will revise their papers accordingly and then have them published online.


Each year the McMaster University Philosopher’s Society selects an editor. The editor for 2010-2011 is Edward Lovo. He forwards the best submissions to faculty members, graduate students, and qualified undergraduate students at McMaster University for blind review.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.