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  • Student Mind: Psychological Studies in Education
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  • The McMaster Journal of Disabilities
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  • Paper Margins
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  • Catalyst: Facets of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
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  • McMaster Brain Research Society
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  • Esurio: Journal of Hunger and Poverty
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  • Aletheia
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  • The iScientist
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  • Access Conference 2018
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  • McMaster Journal of Engineering Physics
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  • The Child Health Interdisciplinary Literature and Discovery Journal
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  • Venture
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  • Global Health: Annual Review
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  • McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Law and Politics
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  • The McMaster Journal of Communication
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  • McMaster Undergraduate Sociology Journal
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  • McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Social Psychology
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  • The Meducator
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  • Night Float
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  • McMaster University Medical Journal
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  • McMaster University Journal of Public Health
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  • NEXUS: The Canadian Student Journal of Anthropology
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  • Sciential - McMaster Undergraduate Science Journal
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  • Spectrum
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  • Perceptia
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  • SciWise
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  • Psynapse: McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
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