Simple Experimental Design for Calculation of Neutron Removal Cross Sections


  • Kai James Groves Engineering Physics, McMaster University


This article proposes an experimental technique that could be used to determine the removal cross section of a given shielding material. Removal cross sections can provide a rough estimate of the fast neutron shielding capabilities of the material in question. In general, removal cross sections indicate the probability, per unit path length, that a neutron will be both scattered out of the fast flux and moderated to thermal energies. Furthermore, removal cross section data are not available for several promising shielding materials. The experimental technique proposed in this article allows for a quick comparison of several candidate shielding materials prior to selecting one for a rigorous shielding analysis. The benefits and limitations of this experimental technique are discussed. The major limitation of this technique is found to be the lack of consideration for neutron absorption reactions, which, in certain cases, can lead one to believe that a certain material is a good shielding candidate, when it is not. Further work on this technique would involve comparing the removal cross sections of various materials to their actual fast neutron shielding capabilities, as determined by a shielding analysis code, to see if the predictions made solely from the removal cross sections are valid in practise. 

Author Biography

Kai James Groves, Engineering Physics, McMaster University

McMaster University, Engineering Physics, 4th year undergraduate student.


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