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McMaster Undergraduate Journal of Social Psychology
About the Journal
Editorial Team
Numéro courant
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
Numéro complet
PDF (English)
Julia Duguid
PDF (English)
Masthead & Table of Contents
Masthead & Table of Contents
PDF (English)
Faculty Foreword
Faculty Foreword
Sarah Clancy
PDF (English)
Letter from the Outgoing Editor
Letter from the Outgoing Editor
Linette Sapper
PDF (English)
Letter from the Editor
Letter from the Editor
Ayma Iqbal
PDF (English)
Thesis Papers
Behind the Screens: A Study Investigating the Influence of Social Media on Self-Presentation, Self-Perceptions, and Perceptions of Others at McMaster University
Sydney Hunking, Zunaira Babar, Sandra Erceg, Harleen Pannu, Amatul Rauf, Romaisa Shah
PDF (English)
Climate Change and Student Stress: The Impact of Climate Change on the Mental Health of University Students
Carly Black, Konstantina Dimogerontas, Sarah Ordean, Abby Pomeroy, Ava Shepherd, Vishmini Jayatunge
PDF (English)
Examining the Relationship Between Attachment Styles, Academic Performance, and Mental Well-Being in McMaster University Undergraduate Students
Sara Hossein, Ayma Iqbal, Alisa Karban, Duygu Turkmen
PDF (English)
Exploring the Impact of Parenting Styles on the Well-Being of McMaster University Undergraduate Students
Mia Dimovski, Madeline Facey, Kyla Guerriero, Sierra Marques, Madeline Rawlings, Sofia Sousa
PDF (English)
Families Behind the Filter: How Social Media Influences Undergraduate Students Perceptions of Parenthood
Phoebe Wang, Kayla Lewis, Rachel Helling, Valentina Ademi, Alexandria McIntosh, Saira Uthayakumar
PDF (English)
Social media, social comparison, and its impact on mental health and well-being of McMaster University undergraduate students
Rachel Humeniuk, Maxima Chu, Sarah Iurelli, Jessica Langton, Zara Malik, Christy Tenn
PDF (English)
Conference Abstracts
A Comparative Study of Student Behaviour in an Academic Versus Non-Academic Environment
Tanya Kakar
PDF (English)
Analyzing Attachment Styles within Gilmore Girls
Asal Salimi
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Associations between Culture, Biomarkers, and Medicalization in Western Society's Increasing Mental Health Crisis
James Barrie
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Attachment Styles and Sexual Dynamics: Exploring the Influence on Young Adults' Sexual Standards, Behaviors, and Attitudes
Emma Bourque, Cassandra Kahoon
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Examining the Relationship between Attachment Styles, Academic Performance, and Well-Being among McMaster Undergraduate Students
Sara Hossein, Ayma Iqbal, Duygu Turkmen, Alisa Karban
PDF (English)
Exploring the Connection between Social Integration and Subjective Well-being and the Impact on International Student Identity
Joanna Scarlett, Venette Patnubay, Paula Sheron Quieroz, Ryan Winstanley, Noah Woodworth, Olivia Mickus
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Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) at McMaster University
Yifan (Fanny) Wang, Yishu (Helena) Zhu, Yuanning (March) Hu, Zang (Michael) Ye, Weiqi (Vicky) Zhang
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Families Behind the Filter: How Social Media Influences Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of Parenthood
Phoebe Wang, Rachel Helling, Alexx McIntosh, Valentina Ademi
PDF (English)
Police Experiences: Navigating Hypervisibility and Critique
Aidan Lang
PDF (English)
White School: Examining the intersection of Racism and Ableism in Western Education
Deanna Fraser
PDF (English)
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