Mapping Neodymium Model Ages of the Quebecia Terrane Near Saguenay, Quebec


  • Serena Formenti McMaster University
  • Alan Dickin McMaster University



Quebecia, model age, accreted arc model, samarium-neodymium dating


The geological evolution of the Grenville Province remains a subject of confusion among geologists. Orogenic events have deformed the original features, making the geology of the area challenging to delineate. This study maps the distribution of crustal formation ages within the Quebecia terrane of the Grenville Province. This provides insight into the crustal provenance of the geological units present. Previous research suggested the presence of slivers of Paleoproterozoic crust (>1.65 Ga) within Pinwarian crust (1.5 Ga). Four geological samples were analyzed from the southern side of the Saguenay graben, where the Paleoproterozoic crustal slivers were thought to extend. Analysis through TDM model ages derived from Sm-Nd radiogenic dating aimed to identify the boundaries of these slivers. Determining the model age distribution within the terrane allows for further delineation of the geological history of the region. The samples analyzed in this study yielded Pinwarian TDM model ages, indicating that slivers of old crust are not present within the study area. These results provide further constraints in the detailed structure of the Quebecia composite arc belt and the geological events preserved within the Grenville Province.




How to Cite

Formenti, S., & Dickin, A. (2020). Mapping Neodymium Model Ages of the Quebecia Terrane Near Saguenay, Quebec. Sciential - McMaster Undergraduate Science Journal, 1(5), 4–12.



Original Research