Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Aletheia: The Arts and Science Academic Journal
Welcome to the fifth edition of Aletheia— a student-led, peer-reviewed journal showcasing written works from students in McMaster’s Arts & Science program. The last year has certainly been busy with the resumption of in-person activities at the university, and as such we have decided to publish a singular edition for the 2022-23 academic year that encompasses papers written in Arts & Science courses over the past year. We are excited to share this diverse array of papers that have been reviewed carefully this semester by our team of peer reviewers.
The theme for this edition of the journal is “power and resistance”. Within this theme, the papers featured in this issue explore the concepts of activism, political theory/philosophy, and health systems. The journal features papers from a variety of introductory and upper-year Arts & Science courses.
Oishee: As I conclude my third and final year with Aletheia, it has been a wonderful experience contributing to the growth of the journal since its inception in 2020. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read all the submissions and I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the authors, staff team, and fellow editorial board members for making this year a great success!
Gabrielle: It has been such a pleasure to be a part of the editorial team this year. I would like to thank our wonderful peer reviewers for their hard work throughout the reivew process and their thoughful and thorough revisions, and our authors for their incredibly insightful papers. Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to my fellow editorial board members – it has been wonderful to work alongside you throughout the year.
Sanjana: I have had so much fun reading Artsci papers and working with the peer editors and the editorial board. I’m excited for another year of Aletheia!
We are so grateful for the creativity and dedication of our graphic designer Bohmee Kim in putting this publication together.
Next year, the journal will continue under the guidance of Sanjana Shah, the incoming editor-in-chief. We are very excited to witness the evolution and continuation of Aletheia for years to come. We highly encourage students who are interested in getting involved to apply for a review position next fall, or to submit your work in the 2023/2024 school year.
Thank you for taking the time to check out the journal. We hope you enjoy it!
The Aletheia Team
Editors-in-chief: Oishee Ghosh and Gabrielle Maerov