Informations à l'attention des auteurs-es

Once your paper has been submitted

  1. Your paper will first be vetted by the Editorial Board to determine if it fits with our general inclusion criteria (theme, year written, research-based, etc.)
  2. It will then be name-blinded and assigned to be reviewed by 2-3 Peer Reviewers, who will determine whether or not it should be included in the journal and offer suggestions for improvement if conditionally accepted
  3. We will then contact you regarding the status of your submission and, if you have been chosen for conditional inclusion, we will send you the revisions to complete before the due date (likely after 3 weeks)
  4. The paper will then go through a second stage of reviews by the Peer Reviewers, and be sent back to you with final changes
  5. After you input the final changes, it is ready to be published in the journal, likely after another few weeks!