DEAP-3600 and Simulated Effects of Internal Reactions on PMT Output


  • Colin Colterjohn Student


The Dark matter Experiment using liquid Argon and Pulse-width shaping (DEAP-3600) provides the next step in the investigation into the existence of a previously undiscovered, yet heavily theorized, particle: the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP). WIMPs are expected to be responsible for the significant gravitational fluctuations observed throughout nearly every galaxy, cluster or group over many years, and are a significant area of interest particularly in the astronomical, astrophysics and particle physics fields. The effect of this unknown influencer, coined Dark Matter, has been observed and agreed upon throughout the scientific community, greatly impacting the modern understanding and theory of gravity. Using 3600 kg of liquid argon to create the first-of-its-kind, supermassive noble gas-based scintillation detector, DEAP-3600 plans to detect this theoretical particle through direct-detection upon expected collisions with the argon nuclei in a sterile, ultra-low background environment. After an experimental period of one year, during which the apparatus remained supervised yet undisturbed in order to gather data, the experimental results may soon be analysed.

