Peer Review
Reviewers are graduate students (MPH, MSc, MA, PhD, etc.), alumni, faculty, or senior undergraduate students. They are selected by the editorial board at the beginning of the academic year and serve on the peer-review board until the end of that academic term. At the time of application, peer-reviewers may select the topics they are most comfortable with and/or would prefer to review.
Submissions to MUJPH are collected by the editorial board and then assigned to selected members of the peer-review board (double-blind review). Each submission will be sent to two peer-reviewers who will assess the submissions independently and return them to the editorial board with their comments and recommendations. The editorial board will consider these suggestions and may decide to accept the submission pending revisions/modifications.
Peer-reviewers will have one week to accept the proposal, followed by two weeks to provide any edits, comments, and recommendations (more time may be allotted at the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief).
NOTE: Peer-reviewers must recuse themselves if a conflict of interest arises (assisted with submitted works, friends of authors, etc.) to ensure the integrity of MUJPH.