About the Journal
The McMaster University Journal of Public Health, herein abbreviated as MUJPH, is an undergraduate and graduate student-led, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal with a focus on public health and practice, health policy, and other facets of the field.
Focus and Scope
MUJPH aims to amplify and leverage the voices, findings, efforts, and talents, of our contributors (students, alumni, and faculty) to facilitate knowledge sharing and responsibly inform public health work, policy, and practice through evidence-based work towards health equity. Marginalized groups are chronically underrepresented in the field of public health, as well as in academia, the media, and public health forums. We acknowledge and hope to rectify the systemic failings of these institutions in amplifying marginalized voices and non-Western scholarly work and ways of sharing knowledge so that we may collectively better inform public health practices and policies.
The journal particularly provides a unique opportunity for students to translate their learned theory and knowledge into practice and publication. To this end, the journal supports emerging and established public health professionals to publish a variety of formats, including original research articles, opinion editorials, policy briefs, art-based submissions, and more. We also encourage submissions from research conducted as part of coursework, scholarly papers/theses, or unpublished and original pieces.
Submissions can span several topic areas including public health practice, public health and preventative medicine, health promotion, health systems, health policy, epidemiology, biostatistics, community health, environmental health, global health, maternal and child health, nutrition, Indigenous health, LGBTQ2IA+ health, and more.
Author Eligibility
Undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty, public health professionals, and community members affiliated with McMaster University are all welcome to share their insights, expertise, and perspectives in public health by publishing with MUJPH.
Publication Frequency
MUJPH is a bi-annual publication, aiming to publish two issues per year.
Open-Access Policy
MUJPH provides immediate open-access to its content. This is to make public health scholarly work and perspectives freely available to the public to better facilitate knowledge sharing across disciplines, communities, and countries.
Journal History
MUJPH was founded in 2021/22 by Masters of Public Health (MPH) students and undergraduate students at McMaster University to address the need for increased accessibility of public health works and knowledge translation efforts following the COVID-19 pandemic. Our vision for MUJPH is that it amplifies the voices of traditionally marginalized people, brings attention to pertinent issues in the wider public health sphere, and be recognized alongside other leading scholarly journals. The founding Editors-in-Chief are Maiura Muralitharan, Marzan Hamid, and Adil Haider.
We are supported by select faculty of the Master of Public Health program of the Department of Health Research, Evidence and Impact (HEI) under the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University. The MUJPH Editorial Team thanks them for their contributions and services.