About the Journal
The Global Health: Annual Review (GHAR) is a collaborative journal from the Global Health Office at McMaster University, run by students, staff, and alumni.
Focus and Scope
GHAR is an open-access and peer-review journal that provides a platform for the global research community to share their findings, insights, and views about all aspects of global health. This student-run journal particularly publishes articles written by global health students and researchers. The published submissions include abstracts, summaries, opinion editorials, and full-length articles on research conducted from student scholarly papers, practicums, and theses. Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works in the global health field. The scope of the journal includes the following topic areas: public health, environmental health, behavioural health, health policy analysis, education, health economics, medical ethics, globalization, and health equity.
Publication Frequency
GHAR is an annual journal aiming to publish one issue per year.
Open-Access Policy
GHAR provides immediate open-access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
GHAR is the product of a student-led initiative to showcase the innovative research projects and papers that the Master of Science (M.Sc.) Global Health students at McMaster University conducted in 2015. The goal of this journal is to not only share the knowledge and research of M.Sc. Global Health students with the current and prospective students, but also share the knowledge and research of global health students and colleagues around the world. Through knowledge sharing and translation, this journal aims for Canadian global health research to have a stronger and longer-lasting impact on the global society.