Call for submissions - Issue 5


The editorial board for the Global Health: Annual Review is excited to announce that our 5th annual call for submissions is now open!

See full details of the call here.

The topic areas to be covered in this year's publication include (but are not limited to): 

  • Communicable & non-communicable diseases
  • Gender Equity
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Migrant Health
  • Globalization
  • Indigenous Health
  • Politics of Global Health

The journal will accept research conducted for: undergraduate thesis and senior projects; graduate student scholarly papers, practicums and theses; and research projects conducted by global health practitioners and academics. Opinion editorials (Op-Ed) are also welcome. Submissions should be between 700-1200 words. See detailed submission guidelines here:

We accept submissions on a rolling basis for a limited number of spots in the journal. For a greater chance to confirm a spot in the journal and to allow for more time for revisions, please submit your scholarly work by January 22nd, 2020 at 11:59pm (EST). Please submit via the online journal system at

The editorial board will contact you within 15 business days if your submission is selected for publication. Submissions will be evaluated on originality, relevance to global health, clarity, timeliness, and scholarship. Further, adherence to the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) principles and a demonstration of ethical and equitable practice will be highly considered throughout the evaluation process. See here for more information on the CCGHR principles:

Why should you submit your work to the Global Health: Annual Review?

Submitting gives you the opportunity to: 

1. Gather feedback on your work from global health practitioners and specialists. GHAR has an external team of academics working in a range of content areas who provide comprehensive and productive feedback within our peer review process. 

2. Obtain a peer-reviewed publication - a great addition to your Curriculumn Vitae!

3. Gain experience pubishing an academic paper within the Open Journals System (OJS) through which you will submit your application. With the OJS platform being used by numerous journals, this presents as a great opportunity to understand the processes within the system and within academic peer review. 

4. Share your knowledge and expertise with the greater academic community!

Please direct any email inquiries to: .

We very much look forward to reading your submissions!

Sincerely yours,

The Editorial Board
Nina Huynh, Suman Virdee, Alana Changoor, Anna Socha, Hunster Yang, and Clara Zacharko.
Global Health Annual Review