A review of the recruitment and retention strategies of rural and northern physicians in Manitoba, Canada
Recruitment and retention of rural healthcare workers is an important health issue for almost all countries around the world. In 2010, the WHO released guidelines on the sorts of strategies and initiatives countries should implement to improve the number of rural physicians (1). These guidelines, along with recent literature from Canada and Australia, were explored for similar suggestions and themes. These themes were then used to examine the current recruitment and retention initiatives in Manitoba, Canada. Manitoba has over 300,000 citizens living in rural areas and over 100 physician vacancies (2, 3). Despite many new strategies, the shortage is on going (1). Therefore, the current strategies and initiatives in Manitoba are explored in detail and compared to what is recommended in the literature. From there, recommendations were made on how to improve the current deficit of rural physicians in Manitoba based on suggestions from the literature. To improve recruitment, more mandatory rural rotations, incorporation of rural health issues and topics into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, and promotion of a rural lifestyle should be implemented. To improve retention, expanding continuing medical education or professional development programs in rural areas, implementation of a professional association, and support for physician’s families should be top priority. If Manitoba were to consider implementation of these strategies, rural physician recruitment and retention rates should improve in the next few years.
1. Kusch L. Shortage of MDs worse: Tories. Winnipeg Free Press; 2015 Feb 5. Available from: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/shortage-of-mds-worse-tories-290882691.html
2. World Health Organization. Increasing access to health workers in remote and rural areas through improved retention: Global policy recommendations; 2010. Available from: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2010/9789241564014_eng.pdf?ua=1