Premature Stroke Mortality and Disparities in the Americas


  • Ario Mirian McMaster University


Stroke is the second leading cause of death (1) and third leading cause of disability worldwide (2). Our objective was to determine the demographic patterns, trends, and disparities of premature mortality due to stroke during 1998-2013 in the Americas.

A population based trend series was conducted to describe the trends and characteristics of premature mortality due to stroke. Unconditional probabilities of death were calculated for each country during this period to identify risk of premature death due to stroke. Disparities between countries were analyzed by calculating mortality rate ratios and the absolute excess of cause-specific premature deaths.

Results: The first iteration of analyses have been completed but cannot be described due to a confidentiality agreement. Please contact the author for any related inquiries.  

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Ario Mirian, McMaster University

Department of Global Health, Faculty of Health Sciences

Global Health MSc Student


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Comment citer

Mirian, A. (2015). Premature Stroke Mortality and Disparities in the Americas. Global Health: Annual Review, 1(1). Consulté à l’adresse